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Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain

This luxury leather lead is constructed in a style called a "jumper lead". This style is safe to use with both a halter and a bridle and is popular for in-hand classes or leadline classes. By attaching to one side of the bit, you can evenly restrain a horse with bit pressure they are trained to respond to (instead of pulling the bit sideways through the mouth).

Made in the USA! Leads with custom engraving will require about 10-14 days to ship.
Price: $59.99
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Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
Luxury Leather Split-Chain Jumper Lead - Engraved or Plain
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Product Details

This luxury leather lead is constructed in a style called a "jumper lead". This style is safe to use with both a halter and a bridle and is popular for in-hand classes or leadline classes. By attaching to one side of the bit, you can evenly restrain a horse with bit pressure they are trained to respond to (instead of pulling the bit sideways through the mouth).

Made in the USA! Leads with custom engraving will require about 10-14 days to ship.
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